現在位置 : 營養 > 人體缺乏維生素B2與得患癌症有關
人體缺乏維生素B2與得患癌症有關 2014年12月22日 2014年2月世界衛生組織表示,癌症是全球一個主要死亡原因,在2012年造成820萬人死亡。中國的數據顯示,每年有312萬人被確診罹患癌症,癌症死亡的人數每年有270萬,每天達到7,300人,即每分鐘就有5人死於癌症。罹患癌症的原因有很多,研究顯示,身體長期性嚴重缺乏維生素B2是導致腫瘤癌症的原因之一。人體缺乏維生素B2,也會增加其他疾病的風險。 醫學研究認為,父母得癌症其子女也易得癌症,癌症這種「遺傳性」的另一個表現在父母與子女在飲食結構上具有高度相似性。膳食、營養作為生活習慣的一部份,與其密切相關的癌症占35%左右。 維生素B2可防治腫瘤 維生素B2又名核黃素,是參與體內生物氧化作用的重要營養物質,臨床醫藥工作者在實踐中發現,維生素B2還有多種新用途。動物試驗結果顯示,核黃素有明顯抑制癌細胞作用。進一步研究證明,核黃素有抑制化學物質偶氮苯類物質的致癌作用。目前多種致癌因素中,90%為化學因素,其中偶氮苯類物質的致癌作用很強,因而核黃素抗腫瘤作用相當重要。 科學調查還發現,在食管癌高發區,居民主食中維生素B2水平顯著低。若攝入充足維生素B2,食管癌發生率則下降,病人存活率得到提高。研究顯示,維生素B2缺乏可導致亞硝胺的代謝改變,促進食管上皮增生,導致食管癌發生。 科學家表示,如果維生素B2攝取量不足,發生肝癌的人比攝取量充足的人群多。老鼠做實驗結果表明,缺乏維生素B2的老鼠,如果在食物中添加黃麴黴素(又稱:黃麴毒素),5個月後便會患肝癌。若是飼料中拌有維生素B2或蛋黃,則不會發生癌症。這表明維生素B2可幫助分解致癌的黃麴黴素。 許多研究認為,維生素B2與致癌物的致活和去活有關,缺乏維生素B2可增強化學致癌物的致癌作用。身體長期、嚴重缺乏維生素B2是導致癌症、腫瘤的原因之一。缺乏維生素B2,還會增加各種消化道潰瘍、出血、腫塊、息肉、肌瘤、肝硬化、痔瘡、女性的宮頸糜爛等的風險。 通常所說的「上火」也是維生素B2短期急劇缺乏症。 五穀雜糧富於維生素B2 人體對維生素B2的每日需要量為1.6毫克,補給維生素B2製劑或多吃含維生素B2的食物(例如雞蛋、牛乳、穀類),將有助於人類防止部份癌症。植物當中維生素B2主要存在於穀物的皮、殼當中,在糧食加工過程中大部份都流失了。因此現代人的飲食結構導致了人體無法從食物中獲取足夠的維生素B2,所以大多數人都處於缺乏維生素B2的狀態。在相同樣能量情況下,粗糧可提供相當於白米3倍以上的維生素B1、B2。 上火嘴破 痔瘡:維生素B2缺乏 每天喝250毫升牛奶能幫助補充維生素B2。 缺乏維生素b2的症狀:嘴角乾裂、蛻皮、脂溢性皮炎、皮膚發癢、舌頭發紅或紫紅、口腔易發炎、眼睛充血,易流淚,易有倦怠感,頭暈等。 「上火」與維生素B2也有關係。吃了辣椒、羊肉、白酒等熱性食物後,會擴張毛細血管,加速血液流動,就會加速維生素B2的消耗。如果得不到補充的話, 就會產生牙齦腫痛、肛門肌肉充血腫脹等上火症狀,只要馬上服用足量的維生 素B 2,這樣症狀會很快消失。 維生素B2在人體內無法儲存,所以必須每天從食物中補充。每天喝250毫升牛奶能幫助補充維生素B2,其它食物如香菇、木耳、花生、芝麻、杏仁、雞蛋、奶酪等也有豐富維生素B2。 |
Vitamin B1, B2, B6 Deficiency and Cancer
Web Information 2012/03/18 It is generally known that healthy individuals seldom suffer of vitamin B1, B2, B6 deficiency. However, studies show that those exposed to chemotherapies, steroids (which are often used as anti-sickness drugs) and malnutrition, can develop vitamin B1, B2, and B6 deficiency. The lack of these vitamins can cause serious complications, such as: •Decreased immunity •Fatty liver •Difficulties to digest meat and other proteins •Difficulties to digest carbohydrates •Difficulties to digest fat •Neuropathy •Balance problems •Personality changes •Difficulties with hair and nail growth and quality •In addition B2 is needed to help the body change vitamin B6 and folate (vitamin B9) into forms it can use •B2 is also important for body growth and red blood cell production Inportant info about these vitamins: While Vitamin B1 is needed to metaboliza sugars (carbohydrates), Vitamin B2 si essential for the metabolism of fats, ketone bodies, carbohydrates, and proteins. Both vitamins playa key role in energy metabolism. Vitamin B2 is also needed to help the body change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use and is important for body growth and red blood cell production. How did I found out about the risk of developing Vitamin B1, B2, B6 deficiency? Vitamin B6 deficiency was listed as one of the side effects of a chemotherapy recently suggested to me. I started to study the issue and soon discovered that lack of vitamins B1 and B2 is even higher and consequences more serious. I do not want to create any panic. I just want to alert you about this issue. My doctors never raised the question in spite of showing majority of the symptoms caused by the vitamin B1, B2, and B6 deficiency. The blood tests were ordered as soon as I alerted my oncologist. But according to the Department of Oncology at University of Texas, “vitamin levels in the blood are often nondiagnostic and therefore identified on the basis of symptoms and the patient’s response to the therapy”. (The article is dated in 1990′s and the technology to detect traces of vitamins in the blood may have developed since then.) Why use synthetic vitamin supplements and not food rich in these vitamins? Because once you have developed vitamin B1 and B2 deficiency your body is not able to metabolize these vitamins from food rich in vitamins B1, B2 and B6. Why not Vitamin B-complex tablets? Do not opt for Vitamin B-complex tablets, as some synthetic vitamins from the B group (specifically Folate Acid which is also known as Vitamin B9) in a synthetic form should be avoided if you have cancer. Yet another reason to discuss vitamin deficiency with your doctor. Sadly, in my own experience vitamin deficiencies and post-chemotherapy hormonal disorders seem to have low priority. I hope that the increasing focus on immunotherapy as a viable treatment for cancer will bring the function of vitamins forward. Do not self-medicate, consult your doctor! Vitamin overdose is also dangerous! Overview Vitamin B1, B2, B6 The best overview of the Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 function that I have identified on the Internet is one published by University of Maryland Vitamin B1 (thiamine) http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/vitamin-b1-000333.htm Vitamin B1, also called thiamine or thiamin, is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly, and are needed for good brain function. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. Like other B complex vitamins, thiamine is sometimes called an “anti-stress” vitamin because it may strengthen the immune system and improve the body’s ability to withstand stressful conditions. It is named B1 because it was the first B vitamin discovered. Thiamine is found in both plants and animals and plays a crucial role in certain metabolic reactions. Your body needs it to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which every cell of the body uses for energy. It’s rare to be deficient in thiamine, although alcoholics, people with Crohn’ s disease, anorexia, and those undergoing kidney dialysis may be deficient. Symptoms of thiamine deficiency are fatigue, irritability, depression and abdominal discomfort. People with thiamine deficiency also have trouble digesting carbohydrates. That allows a substance called pyruvic acid to build up in their bloodstream, causing a loss of mental alertness, difficulty breathing, and heart damage, a disease known as beriberi. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/vitamin-b2-000334.htm Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is “burned” to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. In addition to producing energy for the body, riboflavin also works as an antioxidant by fighting damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells and DNA, and may contribute to the aging process, as well as the development of a number of health conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants such as riboflavin can fight free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause. Riboflavin is also needed to help the body change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use. It is also important for body growth and red blood cell production. Most healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet get enough riboflavin. However, elderly people and alcoholics may be at risk for riboflavin deficiency because of poor diet. Symptoms of riboflavin deficiency include fatigue; slowed growth; digestive problems; cracks and sores around the corners of the mouth; swollen magenta-colored tongue; eye fatigue; swelling and soreness of the throat; and sensitivity to light. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/vitamin-b6-000337.htm Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly. All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. Vitamin B6 helps the body make several neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry signals from one nerve cell to another. It is needed for normal brain development and function, and helps the body make the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which influence mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate the body clock. Along with vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid), B6 helps control levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is an amino acid that may be associated with heart disease. Your body needs B6 in order to absorb vitamin B12 and to make red blood cells and cells of the immune system. It is rare to have a significant deficiency of B6, although studies indicate many people may be mildly deficient, especially children and the elderly. Certain medications can also cause low levels of B6 in the body. Symptoms of serious deficiency include muscle weakness, nervousness, irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, and short-term memory loss. |