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團購 (Group Buying)
團購是一種網路的消費商業模式,其理論是透過團購網站集合足夠人數,便可用優惠價格購買或使用第三方公司的物品、優惠券或服務,賣家薄利多銷,買家得到優惠,節省金錢,而運行團購網站的公司則從賣方收取傭金。這個概念曾在論壇出現過,近年團購已不再是某些論壇、某些網友間的獨立行為,而是一系列專門的團購網站。 團購發展 -- 團購於何時起源實不可考,最早可以追溯至社福機構在社區集合消費者力量,向供應商爭取比市價便宜的價格,購買油鹽米等必需品,以抵抗通脹對小市民的影響,這種集合消費者力量提高向批發商及零售商議價能力的方式,屬集體談判權的一種。不過,踏入21世紀,團購的物品已不再是必需品,乃是擴展至各樣物品及服務。 以一天為周期銷售的行為,在英文中通常稱「One deal a day」(每天優惠)。這理念是在2004年7月由Woot.com創造出來。後來也被Amazon.com、Groupbuye 和Buy.com採用。2008年11月,一個名叫安德魯·梅森的美國人,在芝加哥用一百萬美金創辦了一個網路團購網站Groupon,將「One deal a day」手法進一步發揚廣大,創造出了以一天為周期、團體購買的銷售模式,並建立了27個國家的版本網站。Groupon的發音與Coupon 相似,是「Group」與「Coupon」的混成詞,「Group」是群組、團體的意思,而「Coupon」即優惠券。網站的模式很簡單:每天推出一款價格優惠的產品,包括餐飲商品或服務等,但前提是要有足夠多的買家。而網站的盈利則來自傭金。後來「One deal a day」這種商業模式亦慢慢演變成團購。 2010年中國大陸出現了許多使用Groupon模式的網站,使這種模式在中國大陸流行起來。第一家在中國開展該模式的團寶網域名和界面均與Groupon高度類似,其他中國團購站點與Groupon相比,或它們之間相比也都很相仿。 團購網站在中國兩月便出現了數百家。Twitter模仿者飯否的創始人王興也推出了美團網。中國一些大型IT公司也推出了相應的團購站點,如騰訊的搜搜團購、淘寶推出的「淘江湖· 聚划算」、中國電信的天翼團等。截止2010年11月,北美也有至少160家類似站點,市場趨於飽和。Groupon 創始人兼CEO安德魯· 梅森對模仿者感到「莫名其妙」,因為有的不僅抄襲其理念、設計、改版,甚至連所犯錯誤也一併抄襲。 團購網站的主要產品可分為家居類、日用品類、旅遊優惠、機票、酒店、郵輪等。團購網站經營亦有地域分布、區域性網站、本地網站等多種類別。有評論認為團購近年大熱,但消費者如果不注意細節,可能會多花錢,例如部分團購網的團購價比原價還要貴,有團購網以折扣推廣餐飲,惟其中一項條款,有關餐廳會收取聲稱的原價加一成服務費,最終結算並不便宜很多,消費者應該要看清楚購買條款,留意是否有另收手續費,避免多花錢。 消費者應該警覺的是,團購網站的產品原價與已購買數量經常被「灌水」,如果不灌水就不容易得到令人心動的折扣,而產品與服務品質則經常被「縮水」,如果不縮水則業者的利潤堪虞。 |
Group Buying
Group buying, also known as collective buying, offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase. Origins of group buying can be traced to China where tuángòu or team buying was executed to get discount prices from retailer when a large group of people were willing to buy the same item. In recent time, group buying websites have emerged as a major player in online shopping business. Typically, these websites feature a "deal of the day", with the deal kicking in once a set number of people agree to buy the product or service. Buyers then print off a voucher to claim their discount at the retailer. Many of the group-buying sites work by negotiating deals with local merchants and promising to deliver crowds in exchange for discounts. Business Model If subscribers to a discount website are tempted by a discount offer, they enter their payment details online and wait. Once a minimum number of people sign up for the same offer, the deal is confirmed and a voucher is sent to their inboxes. Shops, restaurants and other retailers that partner with these discount websites have to take hefty price cuts. But it means they have instant access to a whole new group of customers. The online group buying market is fragmented among hundreds of smaller players worldwide. The model has little barriers to entry and has gained attention from shoppers and businesses alike globally. |
Group buying sites leverage the power of collective bargaining to provide incredible local deals that offer huge savings for consumers while also promising spectacular sales numbers to participating merchants. As a result, these group deal sites have become immensely popular and successful for all parties involved. Most local group coupon sites offer short-term daily deals that discount products and services by more than 50% off and therefore usually sell out of such offerings within just a few hours. In this review list we’ve identified some of the top group buying sites that are currently available. If you’re a local merchant, you might also want to take a look at our group buying business tips for owners. If you know of any other group savings sites or if you’d like to share your experience using one of these websites, please use the site submission and comments link directly below.
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▼ 團購唬很大?!漢堡大縮水 民眾怒被騙 (2012-1-30)
▼ 團購被坑?!網站優惠和店家不符 (2011-7-5)
▼一網打盡!物超所值?!團購美食自保術-1 (2011-2-19)
▼ 便宜有鬼? 團購消費糾紛多-民視新聞 (2011-7-11)
▼ 買便宜團購餐券 還沒到期餐廳已倒閉 (2011-6-10)
▼ 公視新聞- 團購優惠餐券 難訂位引消費糾紛 (2011-07-11)
▼ 2011年台灣團購市場發展分析