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油漱法 (Oil Pulling) - 口腔牙齒保健
-- 荒謬的保健法 |
油漱法 (Oil Pulling) - 口腔牙齒保健 油拉法 (Oil Pulling) : 再談神奇的椰子油 來源 : 阿使有机園 2010年8月20日 星期五 從"沒什麼損失" 到 "好到不可相信" "好到不可相信"(too good to be true) 跟"沒什麼損失"(nothing to lose)是無關的。但對我來講,因為我認為在去看牙醫之前先用椰子油來浸潤我的牙齦痛, nothing to lose.以致於在短短的一個長週末裡竟然讓我好了百分之八十,因而免去看牙醫。因而有too good to be true的讚歎。這篇文章就是要來說明"油拉"這件事。 諸位如果有看我以前的文章就知道椰子油是可用來治療潰瘍,用來治療老人癡呆,也是我家的食用油,也是Flaxseed之母包偉格Budwig博士的用來與亞麻子油相混的最健康的食油。當時在我還未決定用椰子油來治我的潰瘍之前,我也看了一些Oil Pulling的報告。但我並沒有特殊的印象,也沒有意思用這個標題來寫一篇文章,直到。。。,直到二星期前我的右後下牙開始大痛的時候,我終於決定來嘗試油拉法。 什麼叫油拉法 油拉法就是用約一湯匙的食用油,在每天早上空腹時含在口中漱口約十五分鐘左右然後吐出。以此而行而得治百病的一種方法。此法起源於印度,原始的推薦是用生麻油或葵花油。推薦的醫生是Karach,在1990年代初期開始傳開。這三四年來因網路的發達而廣傳於世。可惜我尚不知台灣有沒有人正在推廣這個方法。 我的牙痛經驗 我這個牙齒,在九個月前被我的牙醫判定為神經正在壞死中。He has nothing to do!!唯一的辦法就是抽神經。但因我尚不覺得有那麼痛,所以就在那裡拖。看能拖多久就算多久。想不到二個禮拜前忽然痛到不行。想了想就拖到下禮拜吧!但這麼痛也不是辦法。不是有oil pulling這個辦法嗎?而且在睡前我不是也會飲一湯匙的椰子油嗎?那我就來試試,何不用椰子油來浸潤痛牙儿分鐘再吞下呢?說到做到我就在那個週五開始我的油拉法。但各位注意,原始的油拉法是漱口約十五分鐘左右然後吐出來,而我治牙痛是用油浸痛牙的地方約五分鐘然後吞下去。乖乖!!第二天早上起來痛牙好了一半。三天後就知道不必看牙醫了。二個禮拜後的今天大概好了八九成了、但我還沒百分百,就像是我的潰瘍也還沒百分百。以復我會再下回分解。 油拉能治癒什麼 大概牙齦痛最容易。再來就是風溼,過敏,鼻病,以及各種疑難雜症。根據原來的油拉的意思,是身体排毒在油裡再吐出來。但基於椰子油對活化人体一切器官包括腦神經都極有功效,我覺得含椰子油在嘴裡並不見得是排毒,可能是活化舌頭及口腔內的神經及細胞吧!如果各位有宿疾而治久不癒,各位不妨好好考慮,在吃藥無效下不妨考慮油拉法。因油拉法簡單可行而且nothing to lose!! 祝大家身体健康永遠不必吃藥。 附記:有人認為隨便嘗試偏方只會加重痛苦。但這個椰子油改良的油拉法在無知中卻似有深意。一天浸潤口腔幾分鐘而吞下另一天漱口十五分鐘而吐出。活化排毒兩相宜。希望各位有too good to be true 的經驗。 |
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling or oil swishing is a supposed traditional Indian folk remedy that involves swishing oil in the mouth. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita, where it is called Kavala Gandoosha or Kavala Graha. Ayurvedic literature describes oil pulling as capable of both improving oral health and treating systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or asthma. While scientific evidence is lacking to support any systemic benefits of oil pulling, some studies have suggested that it may reduce oral plaque, halitosis, and gingivitis. Procedure The practitioner rinses the mouth with approximately one tablespoon of oil for 15–20 minutes on an empty stomach (before eating/drinking) then spits it out and washes the teeth, gums, tongue (softly) and palate thoroughly.. Cold pressed (raw) oil is critical to the effectiveness. Sesame oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil are the most recommended. According to an Ireland study, coconut oil is the only effective oil used in oil pulling that can stop growth of Streptococcus bacteria and is therefore recommended for oil pulling. Oil pulling is usually recommended to be done first thing in the morning; moreover, followed by rinsing mouth with (sea salt) salt water and then brushing teeth in normal morning routine. |
Oil Pulling Debunked
Respectful Insolence Yep, just what I want to do, stick my fingers in my mouth after swishing oil in it long enough for it to mix with saliva and become thoroughly nasty. I’ll give this particular woo credit, though, for sheer simplicity. My only question is why it persists. It’s one of those things that would be hard to make much money off of. Of course, the same thing could be said of superhydration, but I suppose all it takes is a bunch of credulous people to keep something like this going. What’s really hilarious, however, is the claim that swishing oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes can remove much in the way of any toxins. The claim is that oil pulling “draws toxins out” through the large veins that run under the tongue, apparently like some sort of amazing hemofiltration or dialysis process through the mucosal lining of the mouth. Of course, the biggest problem with this concept is basic chemistry. Assuming that oil pulling could actually somehow “pull toxins” out of your bloodstream, what kind of toxins would it “pull”? Obviously it would have to be fat-soluble toxins. The problem is, fat soluble compounds tend not so circulate in the blood but to accumulate in the fat stores. So, even if oil pulling could bind toxins somehow, even drawing them through the skin, how, then, would it even get to them where they are in the fat stores? I suppose a woo-meister could counter that fat soluble toxins do slowly recirculate between the fat stores and the blood and that doing this procedure three times a day over time would leech out the toxins. However, given that given that there’s no physiological mechanism by which oil could “pull toxins” into the mouth through the oral mucosa, worrying about equilibration of these unnamed “toxins” between fat stores and the blood is a pointless exercise. |