現在位置: 交通 > 台灣高速鐵路 (Taiwan High Speed Rail, THSR)
台灣高速鐵路 (THSR) 台灣高速鐵路 (簡稱台灣高鐵、高鐵)是服務人口最密集的台灣西部走廊之高速鐵路系統,路線全長345公里。2007年1月5日通車,逐漸成為台灣西部重要的長途運輸工具之一。目前每日南北向班次為依尖離峰各有123、125、135、140或146班次,台灣高鐵平均日載客量目前已達12萬人,長周末更達每天15、16萬人,目前累積載客量已突破1億人次。
台灣高鐵全線共設置12個車站,南港站(計劃中)、台北站、板橋站為與台鐵共構的地下車站,桃園站為地下車站,新竹站為與台鐵共構高架車站,苗栗站(計劃中),台中站為與台鐵共構高架車站,彰化站(計劃中),雲林站(計劃中),嘉義站,台南站為與台鐵共構高架車站,左營站為與台鐵共構平面車站。 Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR or HSR) is a high-speed rail line that runs approximately 345 km (214 mi) along the west coast of Taiwan, from Taipei to the southern city of Kaohsiung. Constructed by a private company, Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC), which also operates the line, the total cost of the project was US$18 billion. At the time it was built this was one of the world's largest privately funded rail construction schemes. The line runs on viaducts or through tunnels for most of its length. Technology was mainly based on Japan's Shinkansen (新幹線) system mixed with European standards and components. The THSR 700T train series is a variant of the 700 Series Shinkansen and was built by a consortium of Japanese rolling stock manufacturers. The THSR opened for service on January 5, 2007, with a top speed of 300 km/h (186 mph), which offer journey times from Taipei to Kaohsiung as short as 96 minutes. In comparison, trains operating by the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) would take over four hours. Tickets are more expensive than on trains or express buses, but cheaper than those for airplanes. Most intermediate stations on the line lie outside the cities served. Ridership initially fell short of forecasts, but grew from fewer than 40,000 passengers a day in the first few months to over 110,000 passengers a day in 2011. Once THSR began operations, almost all passengers switched from airlines flying parallel routes, while road traffic was also impacted. |