現在位置 : 藥物 > 瀉劑 Bisacodyl
★商品名: Dulcolax 中文名: 樂可舒 Bisacodyl是一種刺激性緩瀉劑,用來短時間治療便秘或在直腸、大腸檢查或手術前使用,來清除大腸內的糞便。此藥有時可處方做其他用途,欲得知進一步相關資訊請教您的醫師或藥師。 此藥該如何使用? Bisacodyl 可能作成錠劑而口服,或作成栓劑或灌腸劑由肛門給藥。口服錠劑後約要6~8小時才導致排便,栓劑在15~60分鐘產生效果,而灌腸劑只要等3~5分鐘。因此,多在手術或檢查的前一天晚上睡前口服錠劑;而在手術或檢查當天早上使用栓劑或灌腸劑。請依照藥品包裝標示及處方說明小心使用,有任何疑問應請教您的醫師或藥師。在未經醫師同意前,每天使用本藥不得超過一顆,也不要超過一星期。服用Bisacodyl不得將錠劑磨碎或嚼碎,要整顆服下。喝完牛奶或制酸劑的一小時內請不要服用Bisacodyl。 使用此藥該注意的特別事項? 在服用刺激性緩瀉劑前, 1.請告訴醫師或藥師,您是否對其他藥物過敏。 2.請告訴醫師或藥師您正在服用的藥物 (包含非處方藥),特別是制酸劑、抗生素、止痛、抗癲癇、抗憂鬱藥物、心臟用藥或降血壓藥物和維他命。 3.請告訴醫師或藥師,您目前或曾有過糖尿病、心臟疾病、高血壓或腸胃疾病。 孕婦用藥等級及注意事項 孕婦用藥等級:B。若妳已懷孕,就診時請務必告知醫師並告知週數。 計劃懷孕注意事項 如妳計畫準備懷孕,或在服藥期間已懷孕,就診時請務必告知醫師。 嬰兒哺乳等級及注意事項 若妳給嬰兒餵母乳,就診時請務必告知醫師。 =========================================================== BISACODYL (秘可舒)
商品名 :台灣健保藥品: Liton 利通腸衣錠, Colonlax 可順腸溶錠, Bisacodyl 泌塞可利爾糖衣錠, Bisacodyl 無秘栓劑, Bidyl 秘利糖衣錠, Bisadyl 秘瀉樂腸溶錠, Colacec 通樂利腸溶糖衣錠. 美國:- Alophen ; Bisac-Evac ; Biscolax ; Correctol Tablets ; Dacodyl ; Doxidan ; Dulcolax ; ex-lax Ultra ; Femilax ; Fleet Bisacodyl ; Fleet Stimulant Laxative ; Veracolate 加拿大: - Apo-Bisacodyl; Carter's Little Pills; Dulcolax; Gentlax 藥物作用: Bisacodyl 為一種短期使用的「排便劑」。它能幫助大腸內的水分聚集,和刺激腸道神經以增加腸道的孀動,達到幫助糞便排出的目的。此藥可用於環境改變﹑食物改變,或長期臥床等因素所引起的便秘,並經常用於手術前﹑生產前以及直腸鏡檢查前的清腸準備。 用法: Bisacodyl 分為錠劑及肛門栓劑兩種,通常錠劑在服用後6至8小時後便會排便,因此如果第二大清晨須做手術或胃腸檢查,就應該在晚上就寢前服藥。肛門栓劑只須15至60分鐘即可引起排便,因此應該在清晨剛起床的時候使用。此藥為一肠衣锭, 藥片外通常包有一層外膜,主要是避免藥物的有效成分受到胃酸的破壞而降低藥效,因此服用時應該整顆吞服,不可咀嚼或壓碎服用。 本藥另外有肛門栓劑,其使用方法如下: 1.將栓劑的外包裝撕開,然後將栓劑頂端用水稍微地濕潤一下。2.左臂靠著床側躺,將右腳彎曲,然後將膝蓋伸向胸口。3.將栓劑插入肛門兩三公分(小孩一兩公分)內,然後用手指頂住栓劑約20秒鐘。4.在床上靜躺約15分鐘,再起床將手清洗乾淨。 ================================================ 商品名:BISACODYL SUPP 10MG
藥品許可證: 衛署藥製字第009250號 中文名: 無秘栓劑 健保局藥理類別: 561200 瀉劑及緩瀉劑 學名: Bisacodyl 類別: POUT 劑量: SUPP 用藥指導單張 ATC7藥理類別: A06AB02 bisacodyl 孕婦用藥分級: C 級: 在對照的動物研究試驗中顯示該藥學物對胚胎有不良反應(致畸胎性或殺胚胎性或其他),但未進行人體懷孕婦女研究;或者尚無對照的人體懷孕婦女或動物研究試驗。只有在可能的利益大於潛在的危險,才可使用此藥物。 藥理作用: 本品不會被體內吸收,僅與結腸粘膜接觸,刺激結腸粘膜的感覺接受體,而引起神經反射,使結腸蠕動收縮增加,而自然的排便。本品對小腸沒有作用,故很少引起腹痛與水便。 適應症: (1)便秘,起因於臥床、食物改變、環境改變、重病、熱病等各種便秘,痔病時之誘導下瀉。(2)生產前,手術前,X光檢查或直腸鏡檢前的結腸準備。 暫時緩解便泌。 用法用量: 栓劑─如需即時排便時可使用坐劑。在手術前,X光檢查前,或對臥病患者,此為一方便有效之灌腸代用品。成人:通常用量為10gm栓劑一個。只在特殊情下需要二個。在30分鐘後即可引起排便。小兒:使用5mg小兒用栓劑。 藥動力學: Onset Tablets --- 6 to 10 h. Suppositories --- 15 to 60 min. 副作用: 腹痛,過敏,直腸刺激感。 交互作用 Milk or antacids May cause enteric coating of tablets to dissolve, resulting in gastric lining irritation or gastric indigestion. 禁忌: 疑有急性腹痛、痙攣性便秘,重症硬結便患者、栓劑:肛門裂瘡、潰瘍性痔核。 注意事項: 1. 婦女懷孕時服藥的安全性尚未確立,因此對於孕婦或可能有懷孕者,若能判斷於治療上有益勝於危險性時,始得姶藥。 2. 因有誘發子宮收縮而有流產、早產之危險性,所以孕婦或可能已懷孕婦女,不得大量給藥。 3. 緩瀉劑治療期間若直腸出血,嚴重腹痛,或腸功能突然改變時,要馬上通知醫師。 4. 沒諮詢醫師的情況下,不要使用緩瀉劑超過1~2週,而且要避免產品無效時,擅自增加劑量,會發生緩瀉劑依賴性或電解質不平衡。 飲食提示: 強調足夠的積團和飲食中的粗食品,以減少便秘的發生和嚴重的便秘。理想的食物包括全麥麵包,和穀類,生的和熟的蔬菜,葡萄乾,和乾梅。適當的液體攝取(6~10杯/日)同樣地重要。 藥品保存方式: 藥品應置於攝氏 15 ~ 25 度乾燥處所;如發生變質或過期,不可再使用。 ======================================================== |
Bisacodyl ()
Bisacodyl (INN) is an organic compound that is used as a stimulant laxative drug. It works directly on the colon to produce a bowel movement. It is typically prescribed for relief of constipation and for the management of neurogenic bowel dysfunction as well as part of bowel preparation before medical examinations, such as for a colonoscopy. Bisacodyl is a derivative of diphenylmethane. It was first used as a laxative in 1953 because of its structural similarity to phenolphthalein. Available forms Bisacodyl is marketed under the trade names Dulcolax/Durolax, Fleet, Nourilax, Alophen, Correctol, and Carter's Little Pills (formerly Carter's Little Liver Pills) as well as being available generically. It is usually sold as 5 mg tablets, 10 mg suppositories, or 5 mg pediatric suppositories. It is also available as a 1.25 US fluid ounces (37 ml) prepackaged enema containing a 10 mg delivered dose of liquid bisacodyl. Administration When bisacodyl is administered orally, it is usually taken at bedtime. Oral administration is known to produce no action for more than eight hours and then to work suddenly and relatively quickly. This is especially true if more than 10 milligrams is taken at one time. Normally the dosage is 5 or 10 milligrams, but up to 30 milligrams can be taken for complete cleansing of the bowel before a procedure. If taken at the maximum dosage, there will likely be a sudden, extremely powerful, uncontrollable bowel movement and so precautions should be taken. It is not recommended to take bisacodyl within one hour of taking an antacid or milk, as this may destroy the tablet coating and irritate the stomach. If taken too early in the evening, the action of this drug can start during sleep with undesirable results. When administered rectally in suppository form, it is usually effective in 15 to 60 minutes. Two suppositories can be inserted at once if a very strong, purgative, enema-like result is needed. A few hours after the initial evacuation, there can be a secondary action which will continue as long as there is unexpelled bisacodyl present in the rectum. As a small commercially prepared enema, it is usually effective in 5 to 20 minutes. Mechanism of action Bisacodyl works by stimulating enteric nerves to cause colonic mass movements (contractions). It is also a contact laxative; it increases fluid and NaCl secretion. Action of bisacodyl on small intestine is negligible; stimulant laxatives mainly promote evacuation of the colon. |