現在位置 : 電影 > ★ 外國電影 / 記錄影片 (Movies and Documentary Films)
(記錄影片) Target for Today (1944) US 8th Army Air Force during World War II
The Bombing War (轟炸戰爭)
Japan's War in Colour (Complete Documentary)
Why We Fight: Prelude to War (Frank Capra)
The Battle of China (1944)
Burmese Campaign in World War II - The Stilwell Road (1945)
中國遠征軍 (Narrated by Ronald Reagan, US President) |
Why We Fight: War Comes to America (Frank Capra)
Combat America (1945) Documentary Film of US Air Force
World War II - Lightning War. (2/13) (德軍閃電戰)
(電影) Battle of Britain (英倫之戰)
Mosquito Squadron (1969) (Full Movie)