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潤餅卷 (Popiah)
潤餅卷 (又稱潤餅、嫩餅菜)是一種比春捲更古老的食品,被歸為春捲的一類,但無須油炸,流行於台灣、東南亞和中國的福建地區,隨著東南亞地區來自福建的移民的增加,薄餅卷在印度尼西亞和菲律賓等國變得十分普遍,越南春捲也比較類似於潤餅。喫潤餅在閩台一帶是家族一年中重要的聚會禮節,大多為家族成員食用,一般不會用來招待外人。但近來也出現潤餅專賣店,尤以夜市、菜市場等地最常見。 潤餅卷製作 潤餅卷的餅皮有兩種,一種是以麵粉加水揉韌,成直徑約15至20厘米的圓形薄餅坯,放入烤爐做成;另一種是將麵粉加水反覆攪打成質韌的溫麵團,抓在手中,在文火小平鍋上旋烙,拭成其薄如紙的餅皮,名曰「拭餅」。餡料通常用胡蘿蔔、冬筍、青豌豆、豆乾、包菜、球菜、豬肉、墨魚、煎雞蛋絲,蠔或蠔煎、蝦仁等,分盤上席,或炒成大雜燴。輔料方面,有油爆米粉絲、油焙海苔、糖拌炒花生末、麻蓼、蔥、蒜、芫荽等。食時以薄餅皮包裹餡料和輔料,捲成圓筒狀,雙手握著就食。 Popiah is a Fujian/Chaozhou-style fresh spring roll common in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Burma/Myanmar, where it is called kawpyan. Popiah is often eaten in the Fujian province of China (usually in Xiamen) and its neighbouring Chaoshan on the Qingming Festival. In the Teochew (Chaozhou) dialect, popiah is pronounced as "Bo-BEE-a"(薄餅仔), which means "thin wafer" . In Thailand, no doubt influenced by its large Teochew Overseas Chinese community, the spring rolls are called "Bpaw! Bee Uh". In variants of the Hokkien dialect, it is also commonly referred to as "lun-BEE-a"(潤餅仔), which probably explains why the spring rolls are referred to as "lumpia" in the Philippines. It is sometimes referred to as runbing (潤餅) or baobing (薄餅) in Mandarin, and also as bópíjuǎn (薄皮卷). Taiwanese Popiah In Taiwan, popiah are eaten in several varieties. They can be classified into fried and non-fried versions. The fried version is very commonly served year-round in Chinese restaurants. It is small, crispy and rolled with meat or sweet red bean paste.The non-fried version is much more complicated and is called runbing (潤餅) in Mandarin (still (薄餅) in Taiwanese). There are two kinds of skins which roll the stuffing: one that is slowly heated until cooked is famous for being very thin; the other is baked. Furthermore, the way of cooking the stuffing is very different as well. In northern Taiwan, the stuffing is flavored, stir-fired, sometimes it goes with peanut powder, and the sauce is salty . In southern Taiwan, the popiah stuffing is water blanched without additional seasoning, and flavoured primarily with sugar and peanut powder. For people who live in southern Taiwan, the addition of sufficient sugar is key for popiah. Moreover, some people like to heat or steam the spring roll again after it is made. The stuffing itself is quite diverse among different places. The basic stuffing includes vegetables, meat and thinly shredded omelet. In some places, they also add noodles, Chinese sausages, stewed vegetables instead of blanched ones, tofu, seafood, sticky rice, and so on. |
春捲 (Spring Rolls / Egg Rolls)
春捲是中國民間流行的傳統小吃,用薄麵皮,捲上餡料,經油炸的食品。各地的餡料和大小不同,但基本是扁圓筒狀。以中國為例,一般人多用蔬菜及肉作餡料,而北方部分地區則會改用紅豆沙。中國的春捲一般很小,一直徑20厘米的碟可以裝十多個。美國華人飯店做的春捲有肉餡,很大一個,一個春捲可以當一頓飯,類似於漢堡。春捲亦是滿漢全席中第二席的一道菜式。 在中國內地,於立春當天,人們用餅皮包裹生菜,做成春餅或春卷,大家分食,祈求身體健康,稱之為「咬春」,逐漸變成日常食物。 閩台春卷 台閩地區一帶的家庭於尾牙、春節以及寒食、清明時,會以潤餅皮來祭祖,之後家族成員圍據一桌,食用者挑選自己喜愛菜色加上花生粉與砂糖粉以潤餅皮包裹後食用,是台閩一帶家族聚會的重要飲食。 香港春卷 香港春卷有時會寫作「春捲」,是茶樓「飲茶」十分常見的點心之一,約四吋長,直徑一吋左右,以油炸方式烹調,外為麵粉皮,炸至金黃色,內裡餡料豐富,如冬菇絲、豬肉絲、甘筍絲、竹筍絲、粉絲和木耳等,每碟數量大多為三件,吃時或會用剪刀從中間剪成兩半,然後蘸喼汁食用。香港亦有變種版本,小販攤檔所售賣的春捲直徑長兩吋甚至更粗,外皮比傳統春捲鬆脆,內裡的饀料更多,作為街頭小吃很受歡迎。 西方春捲 在北美洲(美國、加拿大)和部份歐洲的中餐館,「春捲」一詞專指素春捲,而肉餡春捲被稱為蛋捲 (Egg Roll)。雖然各家餐廳的春捲形制不同,一般來說同一家餐廳的蛋捲要大於春捲。蛋捲使用較厚的麵皮,內陷以豬絞肉為主,摻雜蔬菜、蝦肉、粉絲等普通春捲材料。下油鍋前,蛋捲外刷蛋漿,炸後呈現凹凸不平的外皮。和春捲一樣,蛋捲佐紅色酸甜醬或杏醬進食。 春捲被外國朋友選出來是在情理之中,從中不難看出中國點心尤其是廣式小吃在外國人心中的影響力。對於春捲,老外們在西方國家肯定很少見到,新奇的形狀加上酥脆的口感,讓他們樂在其中。 潤餅 另一種流行於福建、台灣的春捲,俗稱「潤餅」,又稱「嫩餅菜」,是一種比春捲更為古老的吃法。「潤餅」並不像春捲那樣油炸才能食用,福建和台灣一帶的家庭在新年和尾牙以及清明節時會以潤餅皮此來祭祀祖先,之後家族成員圍據一桌,桌上擺上各式煮熟青菜(包含五辛在內)以及蛋皮白肉等等菜色,食用者挑選自己喜愛菜色加上花生粉和糖粉以潤餅皮包裹後食用,是屬於福建、台灣一帶家族聚會的重要飲食。 |